Wednesday 2 December 2015

The love of a mother

They said she can’t be a mother
She can’t sing a lullaby
She is not lucky, they whispered
Her mother cried, father said no word
Her love hugged her tight
She felt low,her tears tough to comfort

Thinking of her dreams that will never happen
She burst out into tears
Her dreams of holding her baby
The cry and laughs of her tot
The Lullaby and the sleepless nights
The beautiful moments with her child.

Days moved, she lost her smile
Lost herself in dreams only
Watched the babies out cry
Loved to hear their laughter
Loved looking the toys around

The next door baby, she held him close
Just holding him gave her life
The little hands, legs hitting, the eyes
Just the baby’s touch
Gave her the love of a lifetime

Sometimes she cried out loud
Hugged him tight and said nothing
But that one day, she felt happy
Happy that her prayers were heard
Her lullaby's to be sung

They said she is holding her tot in her tummy
They said she is going to be a mother
They whispered she is lucky
Her eyes happier than ever before
She hugged him tight and said nothing

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